Review: 4 Skincare Steps with Torriden Dive-In Series

By sausan - Oktober 24, 2021

Hello people! I'm back again with one-brand Korean skincare reviews! Last month I got a chance to try these babies from Torriden (@torriden_global) from the Try Me Review Me program by Style Korean (@stylekorean_global). I'm honored!

Torriden is a Korean brand established in 2015. They have been winning some awards since 2018. Their very first award was Hwahae Beauty Awards in November 2018 for Torriden CELLMAZING mask pack. As far as I know, Torriden has 2 skincare series until now. CELLMAZING series with Centella Asiatica and Dive-In series with Hyaluronic Acid. This Dive-In series is the one I will talk about today!

Torriden Dive In Series

The thing is, I love Torriden's concept. It's clean, simple, and elegant. They also use EWG verified green grade ingredients. So their product especially the Dive-In series is safe for every skin type, even the sensitive one.

This Dive-In series by @torriden_official contains 5D Complex Hyaluronic Acid, D-Panthenol, and Malachite Extract as the main ingredients. FYI, Malachite Extract is the one that makes these products have a blue-ish texture. So pretty <3

Torriden Dive In Ingredients Formula Facts Check

They use various features of 5D Hyaluronic Acid and its complex functions. The combination of low molecular hyaluronic acid maintains inner moisturization. High molecular hyaluronic acid-forming protective layers improve skin health.

Torriden Dive-In Toner (300ml)

Torriden Dive In Toner
The first step after cleansing is toner! I love that this toner is coming in a big size because I won't feel guilty after using a lot of them. This toner focus is the first step of skincare to provide refreshing hydration. I use this Dive-In Toner every day. I love the watery texture that absorbs very quickly. It's not greasy even I use it a lot. 

It came with a plastic bottle and flip-top cap. I find this toner still handy even the size is quite bigger than my usual toner. I usually applied this toner directly with my palm. Sometimes I also use this with a cotton pad as cleansing toner, it helps remove the dirt too.

Purchase this toner from StyleKorean here

Torriden Dive-In Serum (50ml)

Torriden Dive In Serum

The second one is serum! This Dive-In Serum is quite basic, but it does its job pretty well! It has a watery gel texture. This hydrating serum absorbed deeply into my skin, giving a powerful moisturizing effect.  I also use this as a buffer before I applied my exfoliating serum.

It also came in a quite big size because I usually use a 30ml serum. The dropper is very comfortable to use and can hold a full drop of serum.

Purchase this serum on StyleKorean here

Torriden Dive-In Soothing Cream (100ml)

Torriden Dive In Soothing Cream
And this is my favorite step, moisturizer! I am quite picky over my moisturizer because it's so hard to find the perfect feel for my skin. Right now I have combination skin. With a very oily t-zone, normal cheek, and slightly dry jawline.

This Dive-In Soothing Cream is giving it all! It has a gel-cream texture in white color. The thing I love the most about this cream is it's not sticky when  I use a thick layer. It's so comfortable to use after serum or sheet mask usage. It has Waterball Holding System that gives a refreshing feeling like the water drops in our skin. It's not greasy and absorbs quickly on my skin. 

I also appreciate that it comes with jar packaging. Honestly, I prefer a jar to a tube. It is easier to dig all the products on a jar packaging than a tube or another type of container. It also came with a unique spatula which I really like the most.

Purchase this Soothing Cream on StyleKorean here

Torriden Dive-in Sheet Mask (27ml)

Torriden Dive In Sheet Mask

Last but not least, Dive-In Sheet Mask! This is an eco-friendly mask made from 100% cellulose fabric which is really soft. It also fits my face perfectly, including my big nose. The amount of the essence inside is just enough and it's not sticky. This is definitely perfect to use after a hot day or after you exfoliate your skin.

Torriden Dive In Sheet Mask Cotton

I found some Korean sheet masks sometimes are too greasy for my skin, maybe because I live in a tropical country. This sheet mask is just perfect.

Purchase this Sheet Masks on StyleKorean here


After using this Dive-In series for about three weeks, I feel my skin became so healthy and soothed. It also helps improve my skin texture. The moisturizing effect it gave is insane! My skin loves this so much. I also love that these products have no colorant, fragrance, and are very gentle on my skin.

The Soothing Cream is definitely my pick because it's just so perfect!

Torriden Dive In Series

Shop here on StyleKorean Global

Thanks for reading!


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9 komentar

  1. What a sleek packaging! Such a good deal for a 300ml toner. Nice review Kak Sausan🙌🏻

  2. Waahh penampilannya cantik cantik semua! Baca reviewnya juga bikin aku pengin coba si toner dan creamnya, ngileeer abisss😋😍

  3. Konsepnya simpLe banget suka! yaampun itu toner 300ml puas banget deh :D

  4. Mantep banget sih kalau korean brand buat ukurannya ngga kaleng-kaleng, komposisinya juga mantep. Dih itu cream-nya sih kayanya endul huhu

  5. Tonernya lumayan gede yaa, trus warna birunya bikin seger. Bahan lembaran sheet masknya juga kelihatan bagus.

  6. dive in! suka packagingnya nih keliatan seger banget bawaannya pengen nyebur kolam :D moisturizernya ini bikin muka lembap seharian saans?

  7. Aanother Keep Cool ini kayaknya Sann :') tonenrya mengingatkan antara Vegreen dan Keep Cool yang basic gak aneh-aneh bisa banget bahkan jadi rescue team pas kulit lagi bermasalah. Aku naksir tonernya, 300ml pula.

  8. style Korean ini produknya menarik-menarik ya San! Kalo skincare Korea pasti ciri khasnya sleek n simple kemasannya

  9. Never heard of this brand tapi menarik banget ya san! Penasaran sama moisturizernya <3
